South East Strategic Reservoir Option (SESRO)
A new reservoir for the South East.
We’re working collaboratively with other water companies and considering new water transfer options.
The Thames to Affinity Transfer (T2AT) would move water by underground pipeline from the River Thames to Affinity Water’s region once a new source of water (the proposed reservoir in Oxfordshire) has been developed.
Construction of the necessary infrastructure would be in two phases. The first phase of the project would be ready and operational by 2045. The second phase would be operational by 2050.
The Thames to Southern Transfer (T2ST) would move water by underground pipeline from the River Thames to Southern Water’s region once a new source of water (the proposed reservoir in Oxfordshire) has been developed. Construction of the necessary infrastructure would be up to 2040, with water available once the reservoir is built.
The Severn to Thames Transfer (STT) is part of the adaptive plan set out in our revised draft WRMP24 and could be developed if we need additional water in the future.
STT would transfer water from the North West and Midlands to the South East for use during a drought. This water would come from the River Severn itself, with Severn Trent Water and United Utilities providing additional sources of water if needed. The water would then be moved from the River Severn to the River Thames either by a new pipeline or by a combination of new pipeline and restoring the Cotswold canals.
A new reservoir for the South East.
A drought resilience project for London.